- Gibson, L. J., et al. “The Mechanical Properties of Natural Materials. II. Microstructures for Mechanical Efficiency.” Proceedings: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, vol. 450, no.1938, 1995, pp141–162
- Motohiro Sato et al. Bamboo-inspired optimal design for functionally graded hollow cylinders, PLOS ONE (2017)
- Janzen, DH. (1976). “Why Bamboos Wait so Long to Flower“. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 7: 347–391
- W. Schott, Bamboo under the microscope, pdf
- W. P. Armstrong, Bamboo: Remarkable giant grasses, Wayne’s World online resource
- D. Mtra, Rare Blooming Flowers, online resource, Jan 2020
- Complete Bamboo, online resource
See full list of Individual Species References.
Please also refer to the General Bibliography and Online Resources.